A place for the ramblings of a man just a step away from being that guy talking to himself outside the subway station.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A few things that I hate.

Most people who know me (read: everyone who will ever read this) know that there are many things in this world that simply bother me.

I might not have any legitimate reason for not liking these things but you people are going to hear about some of them now anyway! I won't be going into a huge amount of detail on each of these things because, quite frankly, just thinking about them makes me so mad that I want to punch something. Hey, here are a few of them. Enjoy.

Dance Clubs:

Holy shit do I hate dance clubs. I hate everything about them

What I really hate is the fact that they all have dress codes which involve rules for shoes. Ok, so I have to stand/dance all night and you want me and everyone here to wear uncomfortable shoes? Great. Here, take my $15 cover that all of you charge so I can listen to second rate club music while 'roided up date rapists with way too cologne on surround the place. Awesome.

If I'm going to go to a dance club (spoiler alert, I'm not), I have to get really drunk. I'm talking “shit, we need to take Cameron to the emergency room” drunk. The problem is that dance clubs always over charge for their drinks. So, either I have to drink at least a 26er of rum before I leave for the bar or I have to spend well over $100 at the bar just to stop me from killing myself while I'm there.

Another thing about the booze there! Bottles and no draft? Are you fucking kidding me? Who the hell wants to drink beer from a bottle? The answer? Morons. The fact that I'm paying $6.00 for a bottle of domestic beer is bad enough but to not even give me the option of draft, that's criminal.

Fuck you dance clubs.

Since I'm enraged right now just thinking of dance clubs let's move to Lady Gaga.

I can't stand this woman. People are calling her a genius. Really, you fucking think that someone who penned the lyric “bluffin' on my muffin'” is a genius? Yeah, let's rank her right up there with Keats and Joyce.

The real reason people are so interested in her are her outfits. People always talk about how original her outfits are. Are you kidding me? Recently she wore an outfit at a European Awards show that made me think that she was raiding Gozer the Gozerian's closet. Oh, and gluing shitty beads to your face and putting on a big silver lobster on your head makes you a fashion visionary?

She's a fucking pop star, and not even an original one either.

Right about now I've reached the point where I'm so mad that my writing is suffering so I will only talk about one more thing: winter boots.

Now I understand that winter boots are, in theory, a great idea. The problem is that no one wears boots that actually do anything to protect you from the winter weather!

Look at the winter boots that people are wearing when you go out next. Winter boots with heels? Are you fucking kidding me? What are the point of those? How is that helping you in the winter months? I hope you fall and hurt yourself when you wear those.

I don't wear winter boots, I wear the same canvas shoes every day of the year. But at least I don't spend $100 on winter boots that aren't fit for the winter weather. My god, these people make me want to throw up.

I have go get off this site now before I punch a fucking hole in the computer screen. Ugh!

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